10-ka magaalo ee ugu dadka badan dalka Ingiriiska? Yaa dad badan Leeds & Liverpool?


(Hadalsame) 21 Maarso 2023Waaxda Bulshooyinka iyo Dowladaha Hoose ee Ingiriiska ayaa laga soo xigtey tirakoob lagu falanqeeynayo magaalooyinka ugu waawayn ee England.

Sannadkii 2021-kii, waxaa la diiwaangeliyey tiro dhan 59,597,500 oo qof oo ku noolaa England iyo Wales badidoodna waxay ku noolaayeen magaalooyinka waawayn.

Haddaba, aynu eegno 10-ka magaalo ee ugu waawayn dalka Ingiriiska marka la eego tirada dadka ku dhaqan, waxaana ku jira magaalooyin aad si wayn u maqasho, balse aad uga yar magaalooyin kale oo haatan kula yar.

1. London – 10,076,300

London oo leh 10,076,300 oo dad ah, waa xarunta Westminster iyo Buckingham Palace, oo ay kala deggan yihiin Dowladda iyo Boqortooyada UK, waana caasimadda England iyo United Kingdom

With a population of 10,076,300, London is home to Westminster and Buckingham Palace, and is the capital city of both England and the United Kingdom.

2. Birmingham – 2,574,300

Waa caasimadda 2-aad waana magaalada ugu wayn gobollada dhexe ee West Midlands.

With a population of 2,574,300, Birmingham is a major city in England’s West Midlands region, with multiple Industrial Revolution-era landmarks that speak to its 18th-century history as a manufacturing powerhouse.

3. Manchester – 2,538,600

Manchester waa magaalada ugu wayn Woqooyi Galbeed England.

With a population of 2,538,600, Manchester is a major city in the northwest of England. Home to footballing giants Manchester United and reigning Premier League champions Manchester City it is also the birthplace of Emmeline Pankhurst who organised the UK suffragette movement and helped women win the right to vote.

4. Newcastle – 853,100

Newcastle waa magaalo caan ku ah kacaankii wershadaha, sida inta badanba magaalooyinka kale ee woqooyiga Ingiriiska.

With a population of 853,100, Newcastle is famous for its industrial heritage, eponymous brown ale, popular nightlife and distinct regional 'Geordie' dialect.

5. Sheffield – 822,300

Sheffield waa magaaladii ugu horreeysey ee laga sameeyo National City of Sport dalka UK oo dhan.

With a population of 822,300, Sheffield is the first National City of Sport in the UK, with a range of high-quality facilities and a rich sporting history.

6. Leeds – 812,000

Leeds inta badan dadku magaalo yar ayay moodayaan waase magaalada 6-aad ee ugu wayn Ingiriiska.

With a population of 812,000, Leeds is the city that many of us call home. Home to us here at the Yorkshire Evening Post, the city is famous for its beloved football team Leeds United.

7. Bristol – 762,800

Bristol waa magaaladii ugu horreeysey ee British ah ee noqota magaalo degaanka ku dadaasha ama European Green Capital.

With a population of 762,800, Bristol was the first British city to be named European Green Capital. Bristol's modern economy is built on the creative media, technology, electronics and aerospace industries.

8. Nottingham – 664,800

Nottingham waxay caan ku tahay xiriirka ay la leedahay ninka caanka ah ee Robin Hood

With a population of 664,800, Nottingham is famed for its links to the legend of Robin Hood as well as its lace-making heritage and 11th century Nottingham Castle.

9. Liverpool – 640,600

Liverpool waxay caan ku tahay muusigga, gaar ahaan kooxdii Beatles

With a population of 640,600, Liverpool is famous for its music, its maritime heritage, and its connection to The Beatles. It is perhaps best known as home to English sides Liverpool and Everton.

10. Bradford – 546,400

Bradford waa magaalada 10-aad ee ugu ballaaran England. Waana magaaladii ugu horreeysey ee UNESCO City of Film

With a population of 546,400, Bradford is the 10th largest city in England. It is the world's first UNESCO City of Film, having long been home to the National Science and Media Museum.

W; D: Maxamed Xaaji

Hadalsame Media