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(Hadalsame) 10 Juun 2022<\/strong><\/span> – Fahad Yaasiin, Agaasimihii hore ee NISA, ayaa waraysi aanu xog sidaa u ridan ku bixin dhiibey, kaasoo ay dad badani saluugeen qaabka uu u dhacay.<\/p>\n

Siyaasiga Max’ed Cabdi Awaare ayaa ka mid ah dadka saluusan waraysiga isagoo si kaftan ah u rajeeyey in xogaha qaar ka mid ah la maqli doono qaybaha dambe.<\/p>\n

Cadeymaha kaamirada CCTV-gu, waxaan ognahay in gabar aan waxba galabsan uu gaari NISA leedahay kasoo qaaday gurigeeda oo ku dhex jiray xayndaabka NISA, iyadoo ay dhammaan xoguhu qireen in la geeyey Xarunta NISA, oo u jirta wax ka yar hal mayl,” ayuu ku bilaabay Waare.<\/p>\n

“Sida ay gacanta Al Shabaab ugu dhacday oo ay ugu dambaysey Jilib oo 370 Km u jirta (meesha ay joogtey) lama sharraxin, malaha wax ka badan baa harsan oo soo socda.” Ayuu raaciyey.<\/p>\n



By CCTV evidence, we know that an innocent girl was picked by a NISA vehicle from her home within the NISA bubble,& by all accounts taken to NISA HQ, less than a mile away. How she fell into Al Shabaab hands & ended up in Jilib, 370 Km away is not explained.May be more is coming! pic.twitter.com\/IOYrn3KRgv<\/a><\/p>\n

\u2014 Mohamed Abdi Ware (@HShPrez2Ware) June 9, 2022<\/a><\/p><\/blockquote>\n