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(Hadalsame) 08 Juun 2022<\/strong> <\/span>\u2013 Waxaa baraha bulshada weli ka soconaya olole la sheegay in lacago loogu qaaraamayo MW hore ee DF Somalia, Md Max\u2019ed Farmaajo, iyadoo lacagaha lagu dirayo khasnado danabeedyo kala duwan oo laga furay bankiyo kala geddisan.<\/p>\n

Waxaana weli soconaya yaboohsiga lacagtan tiiyoo ay jirto inay mar hore soo ururtay lacag ku filan inay 20 guri ka dhisto meel kasta oo Somalia ka tirsan, haddii ay run yihiin waxa ay sheegayaan dadka lacagaha ururinaya ama loo dirayo.<\/p>\n

Yeelkeede, haatan waxaa timid su’aal kale oo milyan Doollar ah waana maadaama ay howshani tahay waxa loo yaqaan qaaraan-wadareed loo diidey in la furo ”Go Fund Me” ama koontooyinka kale ee caalamiga ah sida Paypal iwm.<\/p>\n

Su’aashan ayaa waxaa Twitter-ka keenay dhowr qof oo ka fal-celinayey lacagahan shacabka laga gurayo oo ay ku tilmaameen inaan la doonayn in waddo rasmi ah wax la marsiiyo, iyadoo la dareensan yahay inaysan jirin baahi MW hore ku qaadaysa inuu qaaraan ka yaaboohsado shacab masaakiin ah.<\/p>\n

Tan ugu daran ee doodda gelinaysa anshaxa arrintan ayaa ah in dadka wax ururinaya ay mararka qaar soo bandhigayaan muuqaallo muujinaya dad leh wax baan iibiyey si aan qaaraanka u bixiyo iyo dad marka horeba ay hayntoodu liidato sida ciidamada oo ay leeyihiin lacago soo dhiiba.<\/p>\n


How come he doesn’t want to set up & use GoFundMe or Paypal for the F. Luxury Mansion fundraising?
\nSome1 suggested that idea & this is what he said
\n“If you send it you’ll be caught. Western countries don’t allow to send money, (@ the same time) they charge a lot of money”
\nStrange pic.twitter.com\/fmfm2mPB9S<\/a><\/p>\n

\u2014 Aato (@AbdisalamAato) June 8, 2022<\/a><\/p><\/blockquote>\n