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(Nairobi) 12 Okt 2021<\/strong><\/span> – Saxaafadda Kenya ayaa sheegtay in ay muddo 10 sanadood ahba wadeen howlgallo ay kula qabsanayaan jawiga ba’an ee Badwaynta Hindiya si ay u ilaaliyaan dalkooda iyo xitaa ”dalka deriska ah ee Somalia” oo halis ka wajahaya Al Shabaab, waa sida ay hadalka u dhigeene.<\/p>\n


Saraakiil la hadashay hilinka maxalliga ah ee NTV<\/em>, ayaa ku faanay in howlgalladani ay inta badan ahaayeen kuwo qarsoodi ahaa<\/a> oo aanay qaban karin indhaha dadwaynuhu.<\/p>\n

Lieutenant Onesmus Katiwa ayaa sheegay in ciidamadaasi ay joogaan Kismaayo isla markaana loo xil saaray inay ilaaliyaan wax uu ku sheegay maraakiibta iyo doonyaha sida hubka u socda argagixisada, sida uu yiri.<\/p>\n

Wuxuu sheegay in doonyaha dheereeya ee Ciidanka Badda Kenya oo ay cirka ka taageerayaan dayuurado yar yar oo ah kuwa qumaatiga u kaca oo ay leeyihiin Ciidanka Cirka Kenya ay howshaa wadeen.<\/p>\n

Wuxuu ku af gobaadsaday in wixii ay soo ogaadaan ay la wadaagaan Ciidamada Amaana iyo Booliiska Somalia oo ay sharciyan biyahan ay ka howlgelayaani hoos tagaan (country jurisdiction).<\/p>\n

Waxaa xusid mudan in howlgalka AMISOM aanu ka mid ahayn mid cireed oo hoos taga iyaga, sidaa darteed, howshani waa mid Kenya u gaar ah, mana jiro maamul & DF oo ka hadashay ama la socotey.<\/p>\n


Kenya Navy special boat units patrol the seas, day and night, with air support from Kenya Airforce fighter piloted helicopters, to repulse the enemy and move the danger away from the port.#SecuringSomalia<\/a> @leilakhatenje<\/a> pic.twitter.com\/JHFykfzYP7<\/a><\/p>\n

\u2014 NTV Kenya (@ntvkenya) October 11, 2021<\/a><\/p><\/blockquote>\n