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(Muqdisho) 12 Agoosto 2021<\/strong>\u00a0<\/span>\u2013 Dad shacab ah oo gaaraya ilaa 7 ruux oo la sheegay inay dileen ciidamada AMISOM kuwaasoo maydadkooda shalay la geeyey Isbitaalka Madiina ee magalaada Muqdisho.<\/p>\n

Dadkan oo rayid ah ayaa maydadkooda laga soo qaaday degaanka Golweyn oo ku yaalla duleedka Degmada Marka ee Gobolka Sh\/hoose, waxaana dadkani isugu jiraan qaar beeraleey ahaa oo beerohooda laga soo kexeeyey, qaar baabuurleey iyo xitaa kuwo guryohooda lagala soo baxay.<\/p>\n

”Dadka madaxa ayaa laga toogtey markaas ayaa kaddib miino lagu qarxiyey si looga dhigo inay miinadu dishey.” ayuu ku dooday qof ka mid ah ehelada dadka dhintay.<\/p>\n

Ehelada maydadka yaalla Isbitaalka Madiina ayaa sidoo kale warbaahinta u sheegay in dadkan rayidka ah ay si kas ah u dileen ciidamada AMISOM oo meelahaa uu ku qabsaday dagaal ay ku qaaday kooxda Al Shabaab.<\/p>\n

AMISOM ayaa soo saartay War Saxaafadeed ay ku bayaanisey inay tillaabo ka qaadayso arrintan oo ay baaris ku samaynayso, iyadoo sheegtay inay aad u ilaalinayso xeerka caalamiga iyo xuquuqul insaanka oo saldhig u ah howlgalladeeda, lama se oga inay samayn doonto baaris dhab ah, maadaama aysan wax badan ka qaban tacaddiyo dhowr mar horay u dhacay.<\/p>\n


#AMISOM<\/a> launches investigation into #Golweyn<\/a> incident in the Lower #Shabelle<\/a> Region. Read the full message \u2193 pic.twitter.com\/a77HZKRRJL<\/a><\/p>\n

\u2014 AMISOM (@amisomsomalia) August 11, 2021<\/a><\/p><\/blockquote>\n