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(Ankara) 30 Luulyo 2021<\/strong><\/span> – Dab-duureed inta badan ka bilowday koonfurta Turkiga ayaa weli maanta oo Jimce ah ka holcaya dalkaasi, waloow ay maamulladu sheegayaan inay “gacanta ku hayaan xaaladda.”<\/p>\n

Dabka oo sababsanaya heerkulka aadka u sarreeya ayaa bur bur wayn gaysanaya iyadoo ay dambaaburuhu ay xaafado dhan galaafteen.<\/p>\n

Saxaafadda Turkiga ayaa sidoo kale kicisay shaki ah in ay dabkan ka dambayn karaan kooxda PKK ee Kurdiga ah<\/a>, kuwaasoo sidan oo kale dab hore ka dambeeyey, waloow uu baaritaan soconayo.<\/p>\n

Meelaha ugu darani waa magaalooyinka dalxiiska ah ee Antalya iyo Mu\u011fla<\/a> waxaana aad u faafinaya dabaylo xooggan iyo hawada oo qallalan.<\/p>\n

Gobollada Mersin, Adana iyo Osmaniye, oo ah 3 gobol oo deris ah oo koonfurta dhaca ayaa wajahaya dab aad u ballaaran oo qaxaya tan iyo bartamihii todobaadka.<\/p>\n

Ilaa 4 qof ayaa ilaa haatan la ogyahay inay dhinteen iyadoo uu wiil dhallinyaro ah oo dab-damiska caawi is lahaa uu dhex galay 2 tubaalood dhanka Marmaris.<\/p>\n

Dabka oo Arbacadii ka kacay Manavgat oo ka tirsan Antalya ayaa burburiyey hanti ma guurto ah iyo tuulooyin dhan, iyadoo ay dalalka deriska ah sida Giriiggu ay kaalmo ku yaabooheen.<\/p>\n


Turkey had been struggling to battle several large forest fires near seaside towns in the last few days and no neighbouring country offered help so far pic.twitter.com\/afkT8OwZgB<\/a><\/p>\n

\u2014 Rag\u0131p Soylu (@ragipsoylu) July 29, 2021<\/a><\/p><\/blockquote>\n