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(Viena) 04 Juun 2021<\/strong> <\/span>– Dalka Austria ayaa difaacey beegsi uu ku hayo Muslimiinta gaar ahaan tillaabada muranka dhalisay ee “Maabka Islaamka” oo muujinaya xogo badan oo muhim ah oo ku saabsan Muslimiinta dalkaasi.<\/p>\n

Tusaale, waxaa dhowaan jidadka dalkaas Austria oo dhan la surey muuqaalka wax lagu sheegay “Muslim caraysan” iyadoo lagu hoos qoray halista wax lagu tilmaamay siyaasadda Islaamka.<\/p>\n

\u201cIska jir! Siyaasadda Islaamka ee kuu dhow,” ayaa ku qoran astaanta jideed, taasoo keentay inay dad badani cambaareeyaan.<\/p>\n

“Dowladda Austria waxay ku fashilmaysaa inay gudato waajibka ka saaran inay cadaalad kula dhaqanto Muslimiinta, waxaana muuqata in si cad loo shaydaamaynayo iyadoo lagu gabanayo siyaasad,'” ayuu yiri Miqdaad Versi, oo ah Afhayeenka Golaha Muslimiinta.<\/p>\n

Wuxuu sheegay in astaamahani yihiin “tusaale muujinaya Islaam nacayb ay dowladdu maalgelinayso,” sida uu yiri.<\/p>\n

Dowladda Midigta Fog ee dalkaasi Austria ayaa daabacday dhamaanba maababka masaajidda dalkaasi iyadoo haatan kusoo dartay astaamahan far fiiqa ah, waxayna taasi keeni kartaa in xitaa la beegsan karo meelaha lagu soo bandhigay maababkan.<\/p>\n

Golaha Yurub ayaa Austria<\/a> ka dalbaday in ay “meesha ka saaraan maababkan Muslim nacaybka ah oo ay ku tilmaameen kuwo aan keeni doonin natiijo loo aayo, waxaa sidoo kale arrintan ka hor yimid Ururka Xuquuqul Insaanka Yurub.<\/p>\n


This is an example of the dangers of State-sponsored Islamophobia in Austria. Ramifications will be felt for very many years<\/p>\n

Context: the far right government published a map of all mosques & now signs are being put up near ordinary mosques e.g. “Beware: political Islam nearby” https:\/\/t.co\/MaG65F6Gzz<\/a><\/p>\n

\u2014 Miqdaad Versi (@miqdaad) June 2, 2021<\/a><\/p><\/blockquote>\n