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(Nairobi) 16 Okt 2019<\/strong><\/span> – 9 askari oo ka tirsan Booliiska Kenya oo loo haysto inay $60,000 oo doollar ka dheceen laba nin oo Soomaali ah oo ku sugnaa Barwaaqo Lodge oo ku taalla xaafadda Eastleigh ayaa dafiray inay dembi galeen.<\/p>\n

Nimankan oo dhaca gaystey laba todobaad kahor ayaa ku eedaysan ilaa 8 dembi sida gacan ka hadal, dhac, ku tumashada kalsoonidii shacabka, mu’aamarad iyo eedaymo kale, waxaana wejiyadooda laga arkay kaamirooyinka amaanka ee CCTV.<\/p>\n

Nimanka ayay Maxkamaddu dhegeysatey inay dembiga ku keceen 27-kii Sebtembar ilaa 4 Oktoobar, 2019.<\/p>\n

Nimanka ayaa la sheegay inay dhaca u adeegsadeen hub-gacmeed, iyagoo sidoo kale watey gaari ay isna soo xadeen, sida la tuhmayo.<\/p>\n

Mid ka mid ah askartan dhaca gaysatey oo ah PC Simon Mwandiki ayaa baarayaasha geeyay gurigiisa, halkaasoo laga soo helay qaar ka mid ah walxo ay dheceen.<\/p>\n

Yeelkeede, waloow ay dembiga qiran la’yihiin misna waa loo diidey in xitaa damaanad lagu sii daayo, maadaama la sheegay inay bulshada halis ku yihiin.<\/p>\n

Waxaa ku jira mid anjabi ah, kaasoo laftiisu askari ah.<\/p>\n


9 accused among them 6 Police Officers deny 8 counts relating to robbery with violence. They are accused of robbing 2 Somali nationals of 60,000$ at Barwako Lodge, Eastleigh. .@ODPP_KE<\/a> objected to their release on bail as likely to interfere with witnesses.<\/p>\n

\u2014 ODPP_KE (@ODPP_KE) 15 oktober 2019<\/a><\/p><\/blockquote>\n