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(Washington, DC) 13 Sebt 2019<\/strong> <\/span>– Madaxwaynaha Maraykanka ee Donald Trump, ayaa beri dhowayd markii dadka looga digayay Duufaanta Dorian oo sida ay sheegtay hay’adda saadaasha hawada NOAA ku wajahnayd gobolka Florida, wuxuu iskii Twitter ugu sheegay inay sidoo kalena maran doonto gobolka deriska la ah ee Alabama.<\/p>\n

Fiiri koobaabinta madoow ee ka jiidan maabka Florida.<\/strong><\/p>\n



Arrintaas ayaa khasab kaga dhigtay hay’adda NOAA inay beeniso warka Madaxwaynaha, taasoo noqotay arrin ku cusub saaxada Maraykanka, in Madaxwaynihii dalku wuxuu doono iska sheegayo kaddibna ay hay’aadkii dowladdu xaaqin ka daba qaataan sida aan shacabku u jahawareerin.<\/p>\n

Yeelkeede, halkaa kuma harin ee Mick Mulvaney, Agaasimaha Aqalka Cad ayaa Wilbur Ross, Wasiirka Ganacsiga u sheegay in hay’adda NOAA ay shaaciso in ay duufaantu mari doonto Alabama taasoo ay diiddey hay’addu.<\/p>\n

Saraakiil sare oo aan magacooda la shaacin ayaa New York Times u sheegay in uu Trump oo sawirka uu adeegsaday qalin ku sawiray koobaabin muujinaysa Alabama, uu dadka la shaqeeya ka codsaday in NOAA ay ”sharraxdo” mowqifkeeda khilaafsan kiisa.<\/p>\n

NOAA, oo wasaarad ahaan hoos tagta Wasaaradda Ganacsiga, ayaa deeto soo saartay warqad aan saxiixnayn<\/a> oo ay ku sheegayso in xafiiska ay ku leeyihiin Birmingham, Alabama, ee Saadaasha Hawada Qaranku uu ku khaldanaa inuu beeniyo warka Madaxwaynaha qayb ahaan.<\/p>\n

Yeelkeede, arrintan ayaa dood ka kicisay Maraykanka iyadoo Trump lagu eedeeyay inuu siyaasadeeynayo saadaasha hawada oo ah arrin muhim u ah shacabka, gaar ahaan gobollada ay kusoo noqnoqoto ee dhexe iyo kuwa koonfur bari.<\/p>\n

Dembi Baaraha Guud ee Wasaaradda Ganacsiga ayaa iminka baaris bilaabay, halka Guddi Hoosaadka Sayniska ee Aqalka Wakiillada ee ay Dimoqraadigu aqlabiyadda ku leeyihiin uu isna bilaabay baaris u gaar ah.<\/p>\n

President Trump, seeking to justify his claim of a hurricane threat to Alabama, pressed aides to intervene with a federal scientific agency, leading to a highly unusual public rebuke of the forecasters who contradicted him, according to people familiar with the events.<\/p>\n

In response to the president\u2019s request, Mick Mulvaney, the acting White House chief of staff, told Wilbur Ross, the commerce secretary, to have the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration publicly correct the forecasters, who had insisted that Alabama was not actually at risk from Hurricane Dorian.<\/p>\n

A senior administration official, who asked not to be identified discussing internal matters, said Mr. Trump told his staff to have NOAA \u201cclarify\u201d the forecasters\u2019 position. NOAA, which is part of the Commerce Department, then issued an unsigned statement<\/a> saying the Birmingham, Ala., office of the National Weather Service was wrong to refute the president\u2019s warning so categorically.<\/p>\n

Trump oo la sheegay inuu Ross ugu hanjabey inuu cayrin doono ayay dadku la yaabban yihiin inuu been cad u sheegay shacabkii Maraykanka, balse aanu intaa ku ekaane uu hay’aadkii dowladda ku cadaadinayo inay beentiisa ansixiyaan.<\/p>\n