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(Muqdisho) 26 Abriil 2019<\/strong> <\/span>– Howlgalka Midowga Afrika ee AMISOM ayaa sheegay inay karraarinayaan tababarrada ay siinayaan saraakiisha dhanka amaanka ee Somalia si ay amaanka ugala wareegaan marka sida lagu wado ay dalka ka baxaan 2021.<\/p>\n


AMISOM ayaa sheegtay in ay ciidamada booliiska Somalia haatan usoo gebagebeeyeen tababar 4 maalmood ah oo lagu baranayey xuquuqul insaanka si loo xoojiyo doorka daah furnaanta hay’aadka dhaqan gelinta sharciga.<\/span><\/p>\n

Francis Ndiema, oo ah xiriiriyaha AMISOM ugu qaybsan tababarka ciidamada ayaa maanta sheegay in tababarradan looga gol leeyahay in ay ciidamadu ku baraarugsanaadaan ilaalinta nidaamka iyo kala damabaynta.<\/span><\/p>\n

“Koorsooyinkan waxaa loogu tala galay in wax loogu biiriyo saraakiisha amaanka ee ciidamada kala duwan si ay u fahmaan xuquuqda qofka ee taabanaysa howlaha sharci oogista maalinlaha ah ee ay qabtaan, si amaanka loo ilaaliyo iyadoo dadka la ilaalinayo,” ayuu yiri Ndiema.<\/span><\/p>\n

Waxaa socda dadaallo lagu doonayo in lagu diyaariyo ciidamo AMISOM kala wareega amaanka guud ee dalka marka la gaaro 2021, waloow aan la ogayn inta ay la’eg yihiin rabitaanka, mas’uuliyadda iyo fahamka siyaasadeed ee arrintaasi u baahan tahay, jeer ay dalka lug jiidayaan muranno siyaasadeed oo ma dhalays ah.<\/p>\n


AMISOM is intensifying training for Somali security actors to prepare them for the Mission\u2019s exit in 2021. SPF, Immigration, NISA & Internal Security officials have completed a training on human rights that’ll strengthen transparency & accountability in Somalia\u2019s law enforcement. pic.twitter.com\/icfreONbQV<\/a><\/p>\n

\u2014 AMISOM (@amisomsomalia) April 25, 2019<\/a><\/p><\/blockquote>\n