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(Brussels) 07 Feb 2019<\/strong><\/span> – Madaxwaynaha Golaha Yurub ayaan warkiisa u qarqarinin sida dadka qaar markii uuu si cad u yiri “naarta ayay meel gaar ah ku leeyihiin” kuwii “dadka ka iibiyay Brexit” qorshe la’aan ah.<\/p>\n

Wax muujinaya sida ay u qasan yihiin wada xaajoodyada u dhexeeya Midowga Yurub iyo Britain, ayuu Donald Tusk soo tweet gareeyay:<\/p>\n

“Waxaan is waydiinayaa sida ay u egtahay meeshaas gaarka ah ee ay naarta ka gelayaan kuwa dadka u xayaysiiyay #Brexit, iyagoo aan dejin wax qorshe ah oo ku saabsan sida ay u hirgelin doonaan dhib la’aan.”<\/p>\n

Warka Tusk ayaa aad uga caraysiiyay dadka taageersan inay Britain ka baxdo Midowga Yurub ee loo yaqaan Brexiteers, waxaana sida la fili kareyba soo jawaabey hoggaanka xisbiga cunsuriga ah ee UKIP, Nigel Farage oo soo tweet gareeyay:<\/p>\n

“Kaddib Brexit waxaannu xor ka ahaan doonnaa inay dalkeenna nala maamulaan handadayaal kibir badan oo aanay cidina dooranin — Aniga janno ayayba iila egtahay.”<\/p>\n


I’ve been wondering what that special place in hell looks like, for those who promoted #Brexit<\/a>, without even a sketch of a plan how to carry it out safely.<\/p>\n

\u2014 Donald Tusk (@eucopresident) February 6, 2019<\/a><\/p><\/blockquote>\n